Contact Us

Thank you for visiting the website of Aluminium Windows & Doors Pretoria.

Please do not hesitate to give us a call and find out more about our aluminium window, door, shower, shopfront and balustrade solutions.
Our Contact Number is: 0871520448


Our Services


AIS offer an all-in-one source, supply and install solution for all your aluminium window needs. Check out our wide selection of window frame colours, styles and sizes. You may just find something you like or even love!

Sliding Doors

Doors are not only made to keep out, but also to allow in. Beautifully design and placed sliding doors are ideal for allowing light and spectacular views in to your home or workplace. Which door do you prefer?


Safety first is the aim of the game with our strong and sturdy stainless steal balustrade selection. Be it indoor or outdoor balustrade, we have the solution you’re in need of to keep you and those close to you, safe.

Our trusted suppliers